Code of Conduct
Great importance is attached to high standard conduct and formation of good character. So from time to time, some directives are passed as what should be done and what should not.
> Students are expected to maintain proper discipline in and outside the classroom.
> Students are expected to be courteous and respectful towards all the staff members.
> Bringing mobile phones / coming to school on own vehicles (Scooter/Bike/Car) is strictly prohibited.
> Activities like smoking and taking drugs are strictly forbidden.
> The school should not be held responsible for any injury caused to the students during games, activities, or outdoor trips.
> Disciplinary action will be taken against those who are found guilty of causing damage to the school property.
> Any action or word which lowers the prestige of the institution shall be regarded as a breach of discipline.
> Students violating rules and restoring to indiscipline are liable to be punished in the form of a heavy fine, withdrawal of concession and even expulsion from the school.
> All rewards and sanctions will be in adherence with the school's code of conduct.