Welcome To

Golden Earth Convent School

Backed by an invigorating atmosphere, highly qualified faculty, global and creative curriculum and world-class facilities, Golden Earth Convent School is the true torch bearers of the quality education movement that was initiated by its Founder Visionary Shri. Baldev Krishan Arora. GECS has come a long way since its inception in 2017 and expanded a network in 56 villages. The school is affiliated to CISCE.

GECS offers just the right blend of quality education while ensuring holistic development of the students. a highly engaging, inquiry and exploration-based Science and Social Science curriculum that promotes conceptual learning through Reasoning, Exploration, Skilling and Technology. The rich content follows a defined timeline to truly enable the students to get in-depth knowledge and prepare them for global exposure. The choices of foreign languages –French, along with Sanskrit and Indian Regional Languages are another facet of global studies.

Golden Earth Convent School
Notice Board

School Objectives


Chairman Message

In the fast-growing competitive world, the task and the responsibility of the academic and professional institutions was perhaps never as challenging as it is today. Spirit of Comp…

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Mrs Gurpreet Kaur

Principal Message

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Golden Earth Convent School aims to be a premier global educational institution develo…

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President Message

Discipline, values and integrity are the very foundations of this school. We aim not to just impart knowledge to the students, but also to inculcate wisdom, compassion and a human…

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Why Choose Us ?

  • Fully A.C. Classrooms.
  • Strength of a section restricted to 25-30 to give personal care to each student.
  • Less home work: creative assignments & work sheets to avoid mental as well as financial burden of private tutoring at home.
  • Audio Visuals through Overhead Projectors, CD ROMs & Smart Classrooms to make learning process easier.
  • Debates and Group Discussions for better exposure. Hobby Classes as a creative outlet.
  • Trained maid for each class in Pre-Primary wing.
  • Spacious Playgrounds for Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton and other games
  • Hobby classes as a creative outlet

Our Specialities

Smart Education

No heavy bags to carry, Smart Board Enable Classroom and Digital Educations.

Sports & Activities

Leaders in Sports & Games [International, National, State and District Level]

Confidence Booster

Confidence is boosted by interaction with eminent scholars, Doctors, Leaders and Officers.

Right of Student

All students have voice in the classroom and multitude of opportunities.

Special Attention

All students have Teacher’s attention & teachers listen to them.


All Students are proud of their accomplishments.

Implementing Programme

Teachers are implementing programmes to improve student’s learning.

Co-operative Learning

Teachers encourage group co-operative learning and problem solving.

Secure Environment.

School provides a secure homely, personal and challenging environment.

Our Toppers

Recent Activities